How my pet helped me to deal with anxiety attacks

I had those anxiety attacks since my first year of college. It was almost twenty years I had those dark days when I got paralyzed with anxiety. Those attacks seemed like hell .The thumping heart, chocked breath, trembling legs made me feel that I would collapse.

Fast forward twenty years where I had to face these attacks eve now and then. Those days left me devastated . The frequency of attacks would increase when life threw challenges. As days passed I started getting frightful of these attacks, I thought these attacks would be part of me and I have to bear it till my last day.

These attacks would left me shattered and I would require almost several day to get back to life. Nothing would make me feel better. I had tried watching movies, going out with friends, listening to songs, reading but nothing helped me glide smoothly through the roller coaster of anxiety attack.

Then came the Covid period. The news of deaths everywhere, the loss of jobs, the stationery life, the fear of getting the disease made me prone to such attacks frequently.

To add to my problem I got affected by Covid virus along with my father.

Then came the fateful day when my father’s oxygen level started dropping. The anxious days and and sleepless nights brought forth one of the most unpleasant panic attack.

Later I had to visit a Psychiatrist as the attack turned into a chronic unbearable situation. Medicines were prescribed along with counselling sessions with a psychologist. To my surprise my psychologist suggested me to keep a pet.

And thus Khushi entered into my life. Khusi is the name of my first pet. Ever since she came into my life my life changed for good, she rightly named as Khusi, has been a bundle of joy.

The pet angle who helped with my mental health

My anxiety attacks have never been the same. When I get the attacks now, somehow Khusi gets to know about it. She consoles me with the watery licks and warm hugs. These licks and hugs ae therapeutic, my anxiety which would earlier take several days to subside, now gets treated within one day.

Now I do not fear those attacks as earlier. The furry angel made things so much easy for me and so I can now embrace the attacks without being anxious.

As I suffer from these attacks I started studying about them in detail. It is scientifically proven that cuddling of pets help the release of happy hormones which keeps anxiety, depression and a number of psychological problems at bay.

So it can be deduced that people who are suffering from psychological episodes, for them keeping a pet might be a good option. The strong bond that exists among the human and its pet helps to fight the emptiness, the loneliness which these people often suffer from. These furry babies fill our life with happiness, stay loyal and shower us with unconditional love.

Smell of Soil - Trustee RC
Dog Trainer & Animal Assisted Therapist

About the Author

Rituparna Mukherjee

Dog mama of 7 pets. Rituparna is actively engaged in Dog Training and Animal Assisted Intention (AAI). He has also supported several people with dog training, animal assisted therapy sessions.


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