Fossil Fuel to GHG conversion – Ignorance is not bliss

Do you know how much CO2 is produced when you burn Petrol, Diesel, Coal or merely from our food waste? I was surprised when I researched the numbers and figured out how many fully grown trees are required to absorb the same amount of CO2.

Here are the statistics

Sr NoFossil Fuel1 UnitDiesel
1PetrolLiter2.3 Kg
2DiselLiter2.6 Kg
3CoalKg2.4 – 3.3 Kg, depends on coal quality
4Food WasteKg2.3 Kg
CO2 generated by units of fossil fuels

So burning ~430 liters of petrol (which is usually 10-12 full tank refills for our cars) will result in the emission of 1 ton of CO2 into the environment.

To put CO2 emissions in India in perspective, we produced approximately 2800 million metric tons of CO2 in 2022 (source). The major contributor to fossil fuels is coal, which accounts for about 74% of total emissions. Liquid fossil fuels (e.g., Diesel, Petrol), and Natural Gas contributed 22% and 4%, respectively.

If someone wants to compensate for the environmental impact of CO2 emissions, they must plant enough saplings five years back to nurture them into at least 27 fully grown trees. These 27 trees can absorb one ton of CO2 in one year.

It’s not easy, right? Please act now to go green and choose a better source of energy.


3 responses to “Fossil Fuel to GHG conversion – Ignorance is not bliss”

  1. Chandranath Marick Avatar
    Chandranath Marick

    Absolutely…we must acknowledge the ever increasing volume of co2 in atmosphere and its impact in global warming…how it is affecting our lifestyle….planting saplings will defintely help to compensate the loss but by raising awareness amongst people and the future generations we can make a significantly big change

  2. Chhannoo Avatar

    I planted some trees long back wich are fully grown and giving fruits.
    I know that is not enough, I want to grow more and more trees every year. One problem I am facing is of space in the apartment. If someone has a good idea, please post.

    1. Subhendu Sharma – Ex Toyota and founder of Afforest doing a lots of good work. If you are interested in building an artificial forest at your backward visit them. I have tried it as well but not a master of the art yet.

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